Amy Gregg
Amy Gregg
Associate Professor of Environment, Geology, and Natural Resources

Graduate Program Coordinator

Curriculum Vitae


Room:CS 336


Ph.D. Purdue University, 2000.

M.S. Ohio State University, 1997.

B.S. Ursinus College, 1990.

Current Research:

Fundamentally, all of my research addresses the use of public lands for outdoor recreation or environmental interpretation.  Public recreation areas include national, state and local parks and other natural resource lands, related to the use by citizens for outdoor recreation and environmental programs.  Currently I am investigating the relationship between supply and demand for these places, in which local government providers of parks and recreation make decisions in relation to perceptions among citizens for how the sites should be managed.

Select Publications:

Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Outdoor Recreation. (2020). The 2021-2025 Indiana Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). I was a contributing author through the survey Local Park and Recreation Providers. Forthcoming. 

Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Outdoor Recreation. (2015). The 2016-2020 Indiana Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). I was a contributing author based on research of Local Park and Recreation Providers for Chapter 1. Surveys, and Chapter 2, Themes and Trends. Available from 

Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Outdoor Recreation. (2010). The 2011-2015 Indiana Statewide Outdoor Recreation Plan 2011-2015 Hoosiers Planning Play. Available from 

Popovicova, J. and A. Gregg. (2010).  Evaluating Approaches for Gathering Public Input in Master Planning Efforts for Future Development of a Recreational Reservoir. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, Volume 28 Number 4, 96-115. Available from:

Sheaffer, A. (2006) A Hands-on Assignment about Public Lands and Demographic Issues in the West, SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 21:1, 172-176, DOI: 10.1080/1937156X.2006.11949580 Sheaffer, A., and J. O’Leary. (2005). Noncommercial Fish Consumption and Anglers at Risk. Human Dimensions of Wildlife: An International Journal. Volume 10, Issue 4, 229-238, DOI: 10.1080/10871200500292793

Sheaffer, A. (2003). Achieving relevance in an introductory environmental science course through pre-service teacher artifacts. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 112 (1): 85-91. Available from

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Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Environment and Soci 101 1 1200 - 1350 F CS, room 313
Environment and Soci 101 1 1200 - 1250 M W CS, room 213
Outdoor Recreation a 371 1 1400 - 1645 R CS, room 213
Outdoor Recreation a 371 1 1400 - 1515 T CS, room 213
Applied Research Met 372 1 1230 - 1345 T R CS, room 213