Bangshuai Han
Bangshuai Han
Associate Professor of Water Resources


Room:CS 339


Ph.D. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY, 2012 
M.Sc. Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2008
B.Sc. Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, 2005 

Current Research:

My background is an interdisciplinary physical geographer/hydrologist. My research interests are directed towards the influence of social and biophysical factors on water resources at present and in the future. My research uses a systems approach and integrated methods that blend both social and biophysical sciences, employing tools of physical/chemical experiment, GIS, and computational modeling. 

Specific focus areas I am currently conducting research with students include 1) responses of water resource and water quality to climate change and land use change; 2) hydrodynamics, hyporheic exchange, and ecological functions with river management; 3) watershed hydrology; and 4) cross-scale hydrologic modeling and experimentation.
Visit Dr. Han's research website.

Publications in the Past Five Years (* denotes student authors directly supervised): 

Shi P., K. Duan, KN. Nicholson, B. Han, K. Neumann, J. Yang. Modeling Past and Future Variation of the Dongkemadi Ice Field on Tibetan Plateau from 1989 to 2050. Quaternary International. (Under Review).

Han, B., Reidy, A*. Development of a Simple Data-based Modeling Approach of Nutrient Load in a Typical Mid-west Watershed (Manuscript Ready).

Deifenbaugh, D.*, Han, B., Alam, S.* Re-assessment of Water Quality of a Eutrophic Reservoir after Conservation Plans (in Preparation)

Alam, S.*, Han, B. Drivers of the Water Quality Change in the White River over the Recent Two Decades (in Preparation)

Alam, S.*, Han, B., Al-Mizan, Pichtel, J. Assessment of Soil and Groundwater Contamination at a Former Tannery District in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Environmental Geochemistry and Health (Accepted with Minor Revision).

Han, B., Benner, S. G., & Flores, A. N. (2019). Including Variability across Climate Change Projections in Assessing Impacts on Water Resources in an Intensively Managed Landscape. Water, 11(2), 286.

Burch, K. D.*, Han, B., Pichtel, J., & Zubkov, T. (2019). Removal efficiency of commonly prescribed antibiotics via tertiary wastewater treatment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-10.

Hylton L., Ghezzi J.L., and Han B. (2018). Microplastic Pollution in Indiana's White River: an Exploratory Study. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 127(1):72-81.

Steimke, A., Han, B., Brandt, J., & Flores, A. (2018). Climate Change and Curtailment: Evaluating Water Management Practices in the Context of Changing Runoff Regimes in a Snowmelt-Dominated Basin. Water, 10(10), 1490.

Han, B., S.G. Benner, J. Bolte, K.B. Vache, and A.N. Flores. 2017. Coupling biophysical processes and water rights to simulate spatially distributed water use in an intensively managed hydrologic system. Hydrology and Earth System Science. 21(7): 3671.

Zhou, Q., A. N. Flores, N. F. Glenn, R. D. Walters, and B. Han. 2017. A machine learning approach to estimation of downward solar radiation from satellite-derived data products: an application over a semi-arid ecosystem in the U.S., PLoS One. 12(8): e0180239.

Han, B., H. Chu, and T.A. Endreny. 2015. Streambed and water profile response to in-channel restoration structures in a laboratory meandering stream. Water Resources Research 51(11): 9312-9324.

Han, B. and T.A. Endreny. 2014. Comparing MODFLOW Simulation Options for Predicting Intra‐Meander Flux. Hydrological Processes, 28(11), 3824-3832.

Han, B. and T.A. Endreny. 2014. Detailed River Stage Mapping and Head Gradient Analysis during Meander Cutoff in a Laboratory River. Water Resources Research, 50(2), 1689-1703. 

Han, B. and T.A. Endreny. 2014. River Surface Water Topography Mapping at Sub-Millimeter Resolution and Precision with Close Range Photogrammetry: Laboratory Scale Application. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of, 7(2), 602-608.



Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Doctoral Dissertatio 799 105 0000 - 0000
Water Resources 211 1 0900 - 1050 F CS, room 010
Water Resources 211 1 0900 - 0950 M W CS, room 219
Water Resources 211 2 1100 - 1250 F CS, room 010
Water Resources 211 2 1100 - 1150 M W CS, room 219