Alexander Kaufman
Alexander Kaufman
The Reed D. Voran Distinguished Professor of Humanities and Professor of English


Room:BA 104

Alexander L. Kaufman is the Reed D. Voran Distinguished Professor of Humanities and Professor of English at Ball State University where he teaches in the Honors College. He is the author of The Historical Literature of the Jack Cade Rebellion (Ashgate 2009; repr. Routledge, 2016), co-editor of Telling Tales and Crafting Books: Essays in Honor of Thomas H. Ohlgren (Medieval Institute Publication, 2016) and Robin Hood and the Outlaw/ed Literary Canon (Routledge, 2019), and editor of British Outlaws of Literature and History: Essays on Medieval and Early Modern Figures from Robin Hood to Twm Shon Catty (McFarland, 2011). He co-founded the journal The Bulletin of the International Association for Robin Hood Studies and also serves as co-administrator for the scholarly blog Robin Hood Scholars: IARHS on the Web. He is also a general editor of the series Outlaws in Literature, History, and Culture for Routledge Publishing. His research and teaching interests include outlaws from the medieval period to the present day, the Robin Hood tradition, historical writing and medieval chronicles, food studies, Chaucer, Arthuriana, and medievalisms.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Inquiries in Earlies 201 2 0930 - 1045 T R AT, room 201
Honors Colloquium 390 800 0000 - 0000