If you would like to major in another area but still have some experience in the social work field, we encourage you to choose a minor in social work.
A social work minor will:
- help you work more effectively with social work professionals in your future career; this is particularly helpful if you know you will be working collaboratively with professional social workers
- give you a basic understanding of the profession and prepare you for a graduate program if you plan to earn a master of social work (MSW) degree after completing an undergraduate degree in another field
- help you acquire an introductory understanding of and skills in working with at-risk populations
Like our social work majors, you will have the opportunity for hands-on experiences in the field.
What You Will Learn
- how to use empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills to effectively build a relationship with clients in a variety of settings and modalities
- how to understand and apply the theories of human behavior and the social environment
- how to intervene and alleviate problems in a social-services setting
Program Requirements
A minor in social work emphasizes the history, purposes, values, and role of social workers within the social welfare services delivery system; effective communication techniques for social workers; and the relationship between human development and various social, cultural, spiritual, familial, organizational, and community factors.
If you want to learn more about this minor, contact
Dr. Glenn Stone, department chair, or
Ms. Kim Taylor, academic advisor for the program.
Total Credits
The required social work courses are:
- Introduction to Social Work
- Social Work Practice I
- Social Welfare Policy
- Human Behavior and the Social Environment I
- Human Behavior and the Social Environment II
For a complete list of all the courses you will take and their descriptions, please see our Course Catalog.
View Catalog
Enroll in this Minor
To declare social work as your minor, complete and submit the major/minor curricular change form available in any advising office on campus. We also have these forms in our department