Entering its 53rd volume year in 2018 The Teacher Educator is focused on current issues, research, and program innovations that augment teacher preparation and continued professional development for teacher educators. The journal serves as an international, peer-reviewed forum for stimulating discussion among those who seek to challenge existing boundaries in the field. Articles cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • professional development
  • cultural diversity and culturally responsive pedagogies
  • dispositions
  • curricular and Instructional innovations
  • teacher licensure
  • teacher shortageaAssessment in teacher education

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The Teacher Educator is published by Routledge, an international leader in education publishing and a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.

In 2008, The Teacher Educator joined the family of prestigious Routledge education journals as a Tier 1 journal accepting approximately 8-10% of articles submitted.

Linda Martin (Department of Elementary Education) and Thalia Mulvihill (Department of Educational Studies) at Ball State University are co-editors of the journal.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of the editors.

David C. Berliner
Arizona State University

Linda Darling-Hammond

Stanford University

Jacquelynne S. Eccles
University of Michigan

Sharon Feiman-Nemser
Brandeis University

Robert Floden
Michigan State University

Lynn M. Gangone
American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education

Mary Beth Gasman
University of Pennsylvania

Alice Ginsberg
University of Pennsylvania
Linda Houser
Past President, Association of Teacher Educators

Tyrone Howard
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Roger T. Johnson
University of Minnesota

Gloria Ladson-Billings
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Dennis M. McInerney
Australian Catholic University

Deborah Meier
New York University

Pedro Noguera
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Terrell M. Peace
Huntington University
W. James Popham
Emeritus, University of California - Los Angeles

Dale Schunk
University of North Carolina - Greensboro

Robert E. Slavin
Johns Hopkins University

Christine Sleeter
California State University - Monterey Bay

Kirsi Tirri

University of Helsinki

Dennis Van Roekel
Past President
National Education Association

Randi Weingarten
American Federation of Teachers

Kenneth Zeichner
University of Washington

Julie Amador
University of Idaho

Lori Assaf
Texas State University - San Marcos

Alisa Bates
Willamette University

Jocelyn Bolin
Ball State University

Wendy Burke
Eastern Michigan University

Lori Caudle
Western Carolina University

J. Shireen DeSousa
Ball State University

Robert DeVillar
Kennesaw State University

Margaret Ferrara
University of Nevada - Reno

Shannan Fitts
Appalachian State University

Timothy Frey
Doene College

Robert Gable
Old Dominion University

Chad Gotch
Washington State University

Doug Hamman
Texas Tech University

H. Sophia Han
University of South Florida

Noela Haughton
University of Toledo

Ye He
University of North Carolina - Greensboro

John Henning
Ohio University

Elizabeth Hughes
Duquesne University

Ruth Jefferson
Ball State University

Usha Kotelawala
Fordham University

Barbara Levin
University of North Carolina - Greensboro

Joyce Many
Georgia State University

Debra Miretzky
Western Illinois University

Sharon Paulson
Ball State University

Christine Phelps
Central Michigan University

Steven Rose
Simpson University

Amy Spiker
University of Wyoming

Raji Swaminathan
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee