Students may begin moving out of the residence halls during finals week. All residence halls close for the Academic Year on the date and time designated below. Please remember that students must be moved and checked out of the halls by this time or 24 hours after their last final exam; whichever is earliest.
Halls Close for the 23-24 Academic Year on
Saturday, May 4, 2024, 9:00 a.m.
*Graduating Seniors living on-campus have until
Sunday, May 5, at 9:00 a.m. to move out of the halls.
Before Leaving Campus
There are some expectations regarding the condition your room is left in before officially leaving the halls for the summer. Beyond packing up your belongings, please make sure to complete the following, and then you'll be able to check out of the residence hall.
- Make sure all of the original furniture is in the room.
- Restore the room to its original condition and layout (as it was when you moved in).
- Sweep the floor.
- Completely empty and clean out any drawers, ensuring nothing is left behind.
- Remove all trash from your trash bin and dispose of it in the trash room on your floor.
Check Out Procedures and Information
It's IMPORTANT that you officially check out of your room and the building once you've completed each step listed under the Before Leaving Campus section. Failure to do so will result in a $25 fee.
To officially checkout:
- Check your mailbox one last time!
- Go to the front desk in your residence hall and notify a hall staff member you’re ready to check out. The hall staff member will need to check everything is out of your room and cleaned.
- Then, have the QR Code that was sent to your Ball State Email address in the Closing Information Email, pulled up and ready to scan – this is to have an official record that you’ve been checked out of the residence hall.
- Finally, you will turn in your room key to the hall staff member.
Damage, destruction, or theft of public property, including bulletin boards and posted information, or private property and furnishings is prohibited. Hall staff response to vandalism on a floor or hall is determined through the community contract process established by students generally occurring in the fall semester.
Students are required to complete room inventory forms when first moving into any room. Students are held accountable for any damage that occurs within that room, including those from bed unit construction, decorations, adhesives, and bike storage. Failure to complete a room inventory form indicates that no damage was present upon move-in.
When individual responsibility cannot be determined for damage in common areas, the amount may be prorated among all members of the community. Students will be given the opportunity to provide information in a timely manner prior to final billing. When an accused student is found to be responsible for damage, they will be charged for the necessary repairs, replacements, or custodial services. The student may also face disciplinary action under the vandalism policy. Hall staff response to vandalism on a floor or hall is determined through the community contract process established by students.
Designated donation locations will be established in the residence halls. Ask your RA or Residential Learning Coordinator where your building’s designated donation location will be. Items will be donated to local charities. Donated items can include small appliances, clothes, non-perishable foods, office supplies, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, storage containers with lids, etc.
It's IMPORTANT that you return your room key to a hall staff member before departing from campus. If you do not turn in your key prior to departing, you will be charged a fee. If applicable, also turn in your mailbox key.
If you forget to turn in your key, do NOT mail keys after you have left – this will NOT reverse any charges due to failure of returning the key at check out.
Make sure that you forward your mail to your summer or permanent address at least two weeks prior to moving out of the residence halls.
The Office of Housing and Residence Life is NOT responsible for any packages or mail delivered to the residence halls following move out. Packages from non-USPS delivery services (UPS, FedEx, etc.) cannot be forwarded and will be considered abandoned property if not claimed at move-out.
- Follow the steps below to officially forward your mail:
- Go to the web address: http://myballstate.bsu.edu.
- Log in using your Ball State email username and password.
- Click on the Banner folder, then click SSB – Self-Service Banner link.
- Click on the "Personal Information" tab, then click on the "Update Addresses and Phones" link.
- Verify that your mailing address for mail for the summer is correct. If it needs updated, click the red "Current" text. The next web page will allow you to update your address. When you are finished, click the "Submit" button to save your changes.
Microfridges rented from BedLoft.com are to be left in your room. Make sure all items have been completely removed and the microfridge defrosted before leaving. BedLoft.com will be coming early May to retrieve these.
Bulky items (furniture, carpet, etc.) you do not intend to take back home need to be taken to the building's dumpster. Please DO NOT leave these in hallways, stairwells, or trash rooms.
24-hour Quiet Hours begin at midnight, Friday, April 27, and end at 9 p.m., Saturday, May 5. Courtesy hours are daily from noon-1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. You are encouraged to dismantle all lofts/bunk beds before Quiet Hours begin. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Residential Learning Coordinator, your RA, or the Office of Housing and Residence Life.
Summer Housing
If you are taking summer classes at Ball State, Studebaker East will be available for summer residence hall housing. More information on summer housing can be found here.
If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.