Brian Meekin
Brian Meekin
Senior Director of Development for Principal Gifts


Room:AL 252

Brian is Director of Development for both the Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning (ECAP) and the Honors College. His passion for fundraising is fueled by his deep sense of pride toward Ball State University. That is because Brian holds both a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from the University and has spent most of his career here.

Before joining the Ball State University Foundation in 2017, Brian served in several different capacities in the University’s Admissions and Orientation realms. He enjoys working with alumni and friends to learn more about their journeys, success stories, and reasons why they want to stay or get connected with our wonderful students, faculty, and programs.

Brian and his lovely wife Amy (also a Ball State graduate) have two kids and a dog named Wrigley (Cubs fan). You may find Brian out at a golf course, spending quality time with his family or enjoying some good food somewhere.


· MA, Athletic Administration in Higher Education, Ball State University

· BS, Sports Administration, Ball State University

· Completed Principles of Planned Giving course, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

· Completed Major Gifts course, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.