The Ball State University Provost and the AVP/Executive Director for Career and Professional Development announced the Skills Infusion Program would begin a scaling process starting in the fall of 2019. 

Academic-year, full-time Ball State faculty members are invited to participate in a paid training and collaboration experience. The goals are to help students better articulate transferrable skills learned in concert with course content and to provide a gap analysis tool which students can use to reflect on skills not yet practiced or learned.

This professional development experience takes place over the course of one semester via a series of 3-large group, required workshops. The focus is to align current academic coursework with the skills employers are seeking by reviewing course syllabi, mapping course outcomes to the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ (NACE) workplace competencies, and reflecting with input from the Career Center and Indiana employer/ alumni partners. Upon completion of the Skills Infusion Program faculty see clear connections to how the skills taught in their classroom transcend colleges and span industries.

The program is expanding to also include individuals within the co-curricular space across the university to share ways to incorporate the skills into student organizations, leadership & trainings, campus programming, courses and student employment.

Getting Started

  • Submit interest to your department chair/ supervisor for consideration to the program.


  • Faculty Fellows (2) will receive a $750 RIA deposit.
  • Faculty Fellows will be consistent faculty voice for the colleges they represent and liaise between the faculty, the college, and the Career Center.
  • Faculty Fellows will work with their respective college(s) to recruit interested faculty each semester. 
  • Faculty Fellows will be expected to coordinate, lead, and complete individual meetings in between workshops with faculty within their college(s) to accomplish the given tasks.  
  • Faculty Fellows are responsible for collecting, approving, and submitting completed deliverables to the Career Center for all faculty within their assigned college(s). 
  • Faculty Participants will receive a $500 RIA deposit.
  • The Skills Infusion Program is limited to one semester and includes three, required large group workshops and no more than two independent meetings with their Faculty Fellow throughout the semester. 
  • The expectation is that within one semester a Faculty Participant will do the following:
    • Provide an updated syllabus, outlining course outcomes mapped to NACE competencies.
    • Show examples of course activities that help students articulate transferrable skills, along with supporting mapping worksheets, etc.
    • Map one NACE competency to a reflection assignment in the Experience Journal (via Canvas Community).
  • Once there is documentation of a final updated syllabus, the process worksheets, etc. are received and reviewed by the Career Center, a request will be generated.
  • The Skills Infusion Program is limited to one semester and includes three, required large group workshops and no more than two independent meetings with their liaison throughout the semester. 
  • The expectation is that within one semester the Co-Curricular cohort will do the following:
    • Submit written reflections following each workshop, outlining current practices and brainstorming ideas/ outcomes mapped to NACE competencies.
    • Show examples of events/ activities and courses that are mapped to NACE that help students articulate skills demonstrated, along with supporting mapping worksheets, etc.
    • Map one NACE competency to a reflection assignment in the Experience Journal (via Canvas).