Commencement is a memorable experience for graduates and their guests. Decorum and courtesy are important, and students and guests are expected to adhere to the following guidelines to maximize enjoyment by all.
- Only graduates are permitted in the graduate seating area and able to proceed across the stage.
- Cell phones should be turned off or operate in silent mode during the ceremony.
- Any distracting noisemakers, such as air horns or flying objects, are prohibited. A complete list of prohibited items can be found on the Security and Safety page.
- Out of respect for fellow graduates and their families, we ask that you return to your seat after crossing the stage and stay until the conclusion of the ceremony, which is marked by the platform party recessional.
- All candidates should plan to meet their guests outside the venue after the ceremony. Guests are not allowed on the arena floor and will be asked to exit to meet your graduate so we can prepare for the next ceremony.