You've joined a creative, diverse, exciting community of more than 3,500 faculty, professional, staff and service employees, and about 21,000 undergraduates and graduate students. 

Our campus includes 106 academic, administrative, auxiliary, and residential buildings and is situated in a residential area about one mile northwest of the business center of Muncie, Indiana. The 731-acre campus reflects a harmony of past and present. Tudor Gothic is the prevailing architectural style of the older, ivy-clad buildings shaded by native trees.  More recently constructed buildings are in contemporary, functional design.

Before Day One

We understand that the first days, weeks, and months of employment are filled with excitement, a wealth of information, and many questions. As you embark on your exciting new career at the university, we want to assure you that we’re here to help and support you as needed to help you succeed in your new role! Download this optional New Employee Onboarding Checklist to help guide you through your onboarding experience.

Before Day One Checklist:

  • Obtain your BSU ID card
  • Purchase a Parking Permit
  • Complete I-9 documentation and new hire documents
    • Bring supporting documents to the HR Solutions Center
    • Located in the Administration Building, Room G008
  • Confirm your BSU email account and set up your password
    • Establish your Life-line email address
  • Confirm your arrival/start date with your Supervisor
    • Explore Relocation information, if applicable
    • Follow-up with your supervisor by phone or email as needed
    • Discuss technology, workspace, and accommodation needs
  • Familiarize yourself with Ball State

This Checklist is for personal reference only. Activities are to be completed within the first 30-60 days from the new employee’s start date.  Internal hires need to only complete relevant activates specific to their department. 

Your First Day Checklist:

  • Receive your name tag, if applicable.
  • Meet your colleagues, participate in department orientation, and take a job specific tour (break area, supply area, bathrooms, etc.).
    • Introduce yourself to others in your work area.
  • Discuss office hours, clarify your schedule, and confirm required/recommended training.
    • Ask questions about policies and procedures for overtime, use of vacation and sick time, holidays, as well as any flexible work policies or procedures.
    • Ask if you are considered Essential Personnel, and go over what that means for your area.
  • Ask your manager for an overview of the functional area—its purpose, organizational structure, and goals.
  • Review your job description, outline of duties, and expectations.
    • Ask how your job fits in the department, and how your job and department contribute to your division/school and the university.
    • Sign department compliance forms
    • Partner with your manager to identify your initial assignments:
      • The purpose of your work
      • How it fits into your department’s or school’s overarching mission and goals
      • How you can begin making immediate contributions
  • Attend New Employee Orientation
    • Orientation date will be assigned to you and sent via your BSU email address.
    • Check out learning sessions relevant to your new role here
  • Review Your Employee Handbook 
  • Ask your manager about department-specific safety and emergency information, taking a tour of campus, and how to get additional supplies.
    • Receive personal safety/protective equipment, if applicable
    • Discuss emergency building plans
    • Retrieve your keys, if applicable
  • Set up your personal workspace.
    • Obtain a list of customers and frequent contacts you may need
    • Obtain a list of key phone numbers and practice using the BSU online directory
  • Ask any questions you may have that have not already been addressed

All new employees of the university (both citizen and noncitizen) must go to HR Solutions Center, Administration Building, room G008, to complete a Form I-9 no later than the actual beginning of their employment to indicate that they are authorized to work in the United States.

International employees who are not U. S. citizens must be prepared to present documents to support that they are authorized to work in the United States.

The list of acceptable documents that can be presented is available online. Please follow the link at the bottom of the web page.

Verify Employment

People and Culture Services authorizes identification cards to all university employees. The ID card is required to obtain parking permits, to take advantage of the resources in Bracken Library, recreational facilities, bowling alley, bookstore discounts, and receive discounted tickets to university events and ball games. etc.

If you are a new faculty member, professional staff, or service staff of Ball State University, you can get your Ball State ID card by stopping by the ID Card Office in Bracken Library, room 001. You'll need to bring another type of picture ID with you to verify your identity.

Valid Forms of ID for Identification Verification

  • state driver’s license
  • state-issued identification card
  • military-issued identification card
  • valid U.S. or foreign-issued passport (showing country of origin)
  • permanent resident alien card
  • certificate of U.S. naturalization

If you lose your Ball State ID Card, or the card becomes worn, cracked, demagnetized or mutilated (including holes you have punched into the card), you may obtain a new Ball State ID Card for a fee. You may use the same steps you used for your first card. Or visit the ID Card office in Bracken Library, Room 311/312. All Ball State ID Cards cost $25 to replace. You must pay this fee, prior to card creation, in one of three ways: upon termination of employment, the ID card must be returned to UHRS, Administration Building, Room 350.

Learn More

Email accounts are the gateways to Ball State resources. Employees must have a user name, password, and email account in order to access Self-Service Banner (SSB) and other systems.

After your initial university employee record is complete, you will receive an email that provides you with your user name and a method for obtaining a temporary password.

Your university email address is your user name followed by

If you do not receive that email, contact the Help Desk to set up your user name, password and e-mail account. The Help Desk is located in the Tech Center, Bracken Library, room 101, 765-285-8324.

Learn More

When parking a motor vehicle on campus, a parking permit must be obtained online through the Office of Parking Services, a division of the Department of Public Safety. All cars on campus must be registered. 

A system of fines, applicable to all university employees, has been established for such violations as improper parking, meter violations, failure to register a car, etc. Copies of the parking regulations are available at the Office of Parking Services. Call 765-285-1208 for additional information.

Learn More

Motorist Assistance Program

Provides assistance to Ball State employees and students with an automobile related emergency; jump battery, unlock vehicles, inflate a tire, etc. Please call 285-1111 for assistance.

University telephones are for business use. Personal calls should be kept to a minimum.

Supervisors will explain specific policies on telephone use in various departments. Call 765-285-8417 for additional information.

  • internal calls—Dial 5 and the last four remaining digits of the number (i.e. 285-1834 would be 5-1834).
  • local calls—Dial 9 and the seven digit number.
  • long-distance calls—Dial 9-1-area code and the seven-digit number. 

Keys for university buildings, individual rooms, files and desks, etc., are kept in the Key Control Office located in the Service and Stores building.

Key requisition must be completed using WebTMA Work Control Online by the department for keys to your office, desk, and file cabinets.

All keys must be returned to the Key Control Office or to an employee’s supervisor prior to the termination of employment.

Call 765-285-1629 for additional information.

As you settle in to your new environment, feel free to begin exploring Ball State, Bracken Library, the David Owsley Museum of Art, Ball Gym, the recreation facilities, and the dining facilities on campus. Your comfort level will increase each day as you meet more people, gain familiarity with your new surroundings, and begin your work projects.


  • Debrief with your manager after attending initial meetings and trainings.
  • Begin work on your first assignment.
  • Ask for additional contextual information about the department and division to increase your understanding of its purpose, value added to Ball State, goals, and initiatives.
  • Request time to go over the performance review and goal-setting process in your department.
  • Review the process related to your probationary period (if you have one).
  • Plan lunch with a co-worker or visit a place on campus you’d like to see.
  • Review your department’s and the university’s policies.
  • If you are having any computer or phone issues, discuss it with your manager so they may be addressed in a timely manner.

Self-Service Banner allows some changes to be made by the employee, including mailing address, personal telephone, preferred name, and emergency contact. All other changes in personal information (such as name, marital status, number of dependents, etc.) should be reported immediately to People and Culture Services (765-285-1834) and Payroll Operations and Employee Benefits (765-285-8461).

This information is needed to ensure correct deductions for taxes, group insurance coverage, and beneficiary designations on insurance and retirement programs. If there is a name change, the employee must have the name changed on the social security card and present it in Payroll Operations and Employee Benefits, Administration Building, Room G29.

Log In

Transportation Services provides safe, economical, and appropriate ground transportation for faculty, staff and students as they perform their official duties through the United States and Canada. Services include:

  • bus service
  • campus shuttle bus service
  • motor pool

In order to drive a university vehicle, employees must submit a copy of their driver’s license. For questions, please contact Transportation Services at 765-285-1022.

During fall and spring semesters, the university operates a shuttle bus service for the campus community. Campus shuttle buses provide free service every five to 10 minutes Monday through Friday, as well as limited service on Sundays.

Learn More

The University Police Department is located in the Department of Public Safety, 200 N. McKinley Ave., and is responsible for the protection of life and property on the campus.

Also, emergency call boxes are located throughout campus.

Employees' cooperation with rules and regulations concerning parking and key use and common-sense rules of safe work habits and conduct will do much to make Ball State University a more safe and pleasant place to work.

Any potentially unsafe condition should be reported immediately to a supervisor. Call 765-285-1111 anytime to report a problem requiring immediate police attention.

Sign up for electronic alerts.

The university publishes an Annual Security Report. A paper copy of the report is available upon request from the Office of Student Conduct at 765-285-5036.  

As you continue to develop in your new role, learn about the organization, build relationships and ensure you’ve met your deadlines for benefits enrollment. Sign up, as needed for professional training.


  • Schedule one-on-one meetings with your manager.
  • Request on-going, meaningful “everyday feedback.”
  • Feel free to ask questions about the performance management process and compensation system.
  • Discuss performance and professional development goals.
  • Sign up for necessary training sessions.
  • Take on an additional assignment.
  • Continue introducing yourself to those inside and outside your department.
  • Attend campus events of interest to you.

In your first three months, you should become fully aware of your role and responsibilities, begin to act independently, and produce meaningful work.  As your acclimation to the university’s environment continues, you will embrace your new role at Ball State further and further.

Staff and Service Employees

  • Professional Progress Review—Complete your three-month probation period. Prepare for an informal three-month performance review with your manager.
  • Continue meeting regularly with your manager.
  • Develop performance goals and professional development goals.
  • Attend applicable Learning and Development sessions.
  • If applicable, shadow your manager at meetings to get exposure to others and learn more about the department and organization.
  • Plan lunches with co-workers or someone you have met from other BSU departments or schools.

From Six to Twelve Months

At this point in time, you should feel fully engaged in your new role. You’re able to use your skills and knowledge, make sound decisions, contribute to team goals, and understand how your assignments affect others in the organization.  You’ve developed effective working relationships and have a strong understanding of Ball State’s mission and culture.

As you gain momentum in your work and take the lead on some initiatives, this is a great time to assess what you have done well and what you could have done differently in your first six months. As your work moves forward, continue to develop relationships with peers as go-to partners.


  • Celebrate the successes of your contributions.
  • Continue to seek regular informal feedback; prepare for formal feedback during the annual review.
  • Have a conversation with your manager about your experience at Ball State to date:
    • Is the role what you expected?
    • Are your skills and knowledge being fully utilized and are there ways to better utilize them? What’s working well, what could work better?
    • Do you need additional support or resources?
    • Ask about the timing of your annual performance appraisal.
    • Begin discussing the year ahead.
  • If asked, consider participating on committees or work teams.
  • Discuss your professional development goals and identify relevant learning opportunities.

Get to Know Your New Community

Every individual who joins this engaging community has the potential to change it in a positive way and makes Ball State a different, richer place to work. Our job is to give you the tools you need to make your mark within this dynamic community.

Additional Resources

About BSU

Learn about the Institute’s mission, explore its rich legacy of achievement, and uncover facts and trivia to round out your knowledge of the community. Learn more.

Services for Faculty and Staff

Your gateway to campus services and resources. Visit this site for an easy-to-use guide for Ball State employees, with information on getting around, taking care of business, managing your benefits, connecting with colleagues and more. Learn more.


The university's events and holiday calendar catalogs all the events happening on campus. Learn more.

Information Technology Services

Ball State has its own resident computing experts and the place to go for help with campus computers and telephones. Learn more.


Find what you're looking for by building name. Locate streets and landmarks and places to eat. Learn more.