Michel Mounayar
Michel Mounayar
Professor of Architecture


Room:AB 104C

Professor Mounayar is a registered architect, tenured professor of architecture, and associate dean of the R. Wayne Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning at Ball State University. He is currently also program chair of the newly established Ball State Master of Urban Design in Indianapolis. He has served in multiple administrative capacities at Ball State University after joining the faculty in 1984, including as acting dean in 2007.

From 2006 until 2009 and for three consecutive terms Mr. Mounayar was president of the Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) one of the oldest national organizations in the United States focused on architectural research. He currently represents ARCC as past president and delegate to the National Academy for Environmental Design (NAED), Washington DC.

Professor Mounayar's service as director of Ball State’s esteemed Community Based Projects program (CBP) from 1984 until 1993 established CBP as one of Ball State’s main applied research/service-learning programs in the nation. He has personally participated or chaired over forty state or national urban design workshops. During his tenure as director, the program prospered and received numerous awards including recognition from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the American Institute of Architects (AIA).

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Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Spec Proj in Arch 498 6 1100 - 1215 M W AB, room 004
Env Dsgn Site Contex 502 1 1300 - 1800 M W AB, room 220
Spec Proj in Arch 598 6 1100 - 1215 M W AB, room 004