Lynne Stallings
Lynne Stallings
Associate Professor of English and Director of TESOL
Curriculum Vitae


Room:Rb 344

Lynne Stallings has twenty years of experience teaching and advocating for English Language Learners in university writing courses and in K-12 settings. She provides professional development for teachers and administrators who want to effectively serve ELLs and she has published work in national journals.

Professional Experience

Associate Professor

2014 - Present

Assistant Professor

2006 - 2014

Curriculum Vitae

Download CV (PDF)


PhD in Linguistics

University of Southern California, 1998

MA in Linguistics

University of Southern California, 1994

BA in Linguistics and Psychology

Pitzer College, 1991

Research and Publications

  • Stallings, L. & Formo, D.M. (2014). “’Where's the Writer?’: Examining the Writer's Role as Solicitor of Feedback in Composition Textbooks.” Teaching English in the Two-Year College. 41 (3), 259-277.
  • Formo, D.M. & Stallings, L. (2014). “Where’s the Writer in Response Research?: Examining the Role of the Writer as Solicitor of Feedback in (Peer) Response.” In S.J. Corbett, M. LaFrance, & T. Decker (Eds.), Peer Pressure, Peer Power: Collaborative Peer Review and Response in the Writing Classroom. 43-60. Southlake, TX: Fountainhead Press.
  • Stallings, L. & MacDonald, M.C. (2011). “It’s not just the “Heavy NP”: Relative Phrase Length Modulates the Production of Heavy-NP Shift. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 40 (3), p. 177 – 187.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Creative Project 698 302 0000 - 0000
English Linguistics 321 1 1400 - 1515 T R AT, room 103
Professional Experie 369 01 0000 - 0000
Assessment in TESOL 438 001 1530 - 1645 T R AT, room 103
Independent Study 603 2 0000 - 0000