Peter Bethanis
Peter Bethanis
Assistant Teaching Professor of English
Curriculum Vitae


Room:RB 248

I specialize in research writing and creative writing and currently teach ENG 104, creative writing, and poetry here at Ball State. My poems, essays, and short stories have appeared in several journals including Poetry, Tar River Poetry, Art Times, Haight Ashbury Literary Journal, Lullwater Review, Cape Rock Review, Country Journal, River Review, and the Indianapolis Star among others. In 1995 I was selected by James Dickey as winner of the Eve of St. Agnes Poetry Prize. I've been a finalist in several national poetry contests including The Anthony Hecht poetry prize and the National Poetry Series. I've twice been a featured poet on Poetry Magazine's website, and I'm the author of two books, Dada and Surrealism for Beginners from Random House, and American Future, a collection of poems, from Entasis Press. Along with research and creative writing, I also enjoy art and philosophy. 

Curriculum Vitae

Download CV (PDF)

Courses: ENG 102, ENG 103, ENG 104, Creative Writing 285, Poetry 308

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Rhetoric and Writing 103 02 0800 - 0915 T R RB, room 284
Rhetoric and Writing 103 03 1230 - 1345 T R RB, room 112
Rhetoric and Writing 103 04 1530 - 1645 T R RB, room 284
Intro to Creative Wr 285 02 1100 - 1215 T R RB, room 112