As teacher education majors, music education majors must meet all professional education requirements.

  • Demonstrate continuous professional development by earning professional development points each term of study as a music education major.
  • Complete all MUSE courses with a C or better in no more than two attempts.

  • Meet all Decision Point criteria to progress through the curriculum. Significant elements include:
  • Complete Decision Point 1 to be eligible to register for 300-level courses and to apply for student teaching placement
    • Maintain the required GPA (2.5 for students under the 2019-20 catalog and beyond; 3.0 for earlier catalogs);
    • Earned grades of C or better in designated 100- and 200-level professional education courses required for the teaching major and COMM 210 or equivalent;
    • Satisfied course and assessment requirements specified by the student's licensure area. For specific requirements, students should see their DegreeWorks profiles.
  • Complete Decision Point 2 to be eligible to student teach
    • Complete all required coursework and earn junior standing on your primary instrument;
    • Earned grades of C or better in all professional education courses required for the teaching major;
    • Earned grade-point averages of at least 2.5 in professional education courses and at least 2.5 in the teaching major;
    • Satisfied course and assessment requirements specified by the student's licensure area. For specific requirements, students should see their DegreeWorks profiles.
  • Complete Decision Point 3 to be eligible to graduate and apply for an Indiana teaching license
    • Pass student teaching