Guided by our OTES-CP Policy, the Council for the Accreditation of Education Preparation (CAEP), and the National Association for Professional Development Schools (NAPDS), Professional Development Schools are collaborative planning partnerships between professional education programs at Ball State and P-12 schools for the professional development of teachers and the training of future educators. These schools take a special place in our Clinical Practice Network as they work with a dedicated faculty liaison who collaborates on field experiences within the school, provides site-specific professional development and leads school-based research tied to school improvement documents.
•PDS partnerships are designed to have mutually beneficial arrangements between higher education and public education.
•Schools are assigned a BSU faculty liaison responsible for participation in district or school provided professional development with a literacy focus.
•Liaisons extend the identified professional development into the classroom by working with master teachers, mentor teachers, and identified instructional staff.
•PDS liaisons officially part of the site leadership team.
Schools and Liaisons
Muncie Community Schools
Mt. Vernon School Corporation (Liaison: Amy Leitze)