Field experiences provide a practical, hands-on foundation that greatly improves the quality of our teacher education preparation programs.
We provide a responsible agency and administrative structure for moving field experiences from a series of minimally related segments to a coordinated program of direct contacts with children, youth, teachers, and institutions.

We develop and coordinate procedures for both on- and off-campus education as the main contact for school organizations in pre-service teacher education. We also gather input from other institutions and professionals about preparatory programs in teacher education.
Pre-Student Teaching Educational Field Experiences
Pre-student teaching field experiences give you a systematic, planned sequence of experiences in appropriate educational settings. These experiences will familiarize you with the principles of classroom management and the teaching-learning process in practical and real school environments, as well as help you learn how to teach.
Forms and Directions
Field Experience Guidance 2024-25
- For more information on how to obtain the required background check and EduRisk training, click here.
- Secondary Field Experience Handbook (PDF).
- Watch this video walking you through how to submit an observation request in TK20.
- View the Field Experience Handbook (PDF).
- To learn more information about the required background check and EduRisk, visit here.
- For more information on how to obtain the required background check and EduRisk training, click here.
- Secondary Field Experience Handbook (PDF).
Liability Statement
The University is aware of potential liability which may arise from its students for actions or alleged actions from third parties in the performance of internships or courses that require an external learning experience for academic course credit. This liability may be for property damage, bodily injury, or acts of a professional nature such as those involved with the delivery of medical or allied health services. The University provides liability coverage with limits of $1 million per occurrence, $3 million aggregate to protect against this risk and is able to provide host sites with proof of coverage for internship placement.