As a university committed to diversity and inclusion, we want our websites, publications, PowerPoints, and other communications to be accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities and non-native English speakers.


It’s the Law

Ball State has two policies that include people with disabilities:

Just as important, the following acts provide standards for federal agencies and organizations that receive federal funds:

Additionally, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination under "any program of activity receiving federal financial assistance."

Disability Services

For more resources, including university policies and events or assistance with accommodations, visit our Disability Services website.

International Audiences

For help with accommodations for international and multilingual audiences, visit our Rinker Center for Global Affairs website.

Information Technology

Digital Accessibility Services

Explore our list of accessible technology services and contacts for assistance with any related issues. Perfect for students and employees seeking tools or services related to accessing technology.

General Information Technology Policies

University policies on acquiring and using technology for university computers, including accessibility requirements should be followed by all employees. This applies regardless of how the software, hardware, or service is obtained, such as through purchase orders, credit cards, requests for proposals, or free downloads from the Internet.

Online Knowledge Base

The University of Washington offers hundreds of case studies and articles about accessibility to technology, education, and careers through its Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology (DO-IT) Knowledge Base.