Capriella Fenicle

Along with strong academics, art education major is inspired by her community

Capriella Fenicle credits her professors with helping her build diverse skills from the ground up, in both 2-D and 3-D art, all while she studies in world-class facilities. Read more.

Students Take a Page from the Past in Book Arts Collaborative

School of Art Professor Sarojini Johnson partnered with Rai Peterson, an associate professor of English, to create an initiative that teaches apprentice-based crafts such as letterpress printing, book binding, and paper decorating. Read more.

Jim Davis Draws Upon “Garfield” in Ball State Teaching Debut

The alumnus and creator of the famous cartoon cat returned to campus in the 2016-17 academic year to teach master workshops. Read more.

Choice Based Art Education Panel Discussion

Thursday, October 19, 7:00 - 8:30 PM in AJ 225. Free to all! Click HERE to learn more.