Ball State’s School of Art offers a range of creative and academic opportunities for developing professional artists, educators, designers, and scholars. Here you can develop your concepts and ideas, learn new skills in a wide variety of traditional and contemporary mediums, explore cutting-edge technologies, practice speaking and writing about art, and develop your own teaching skills so you can share your craft with others.


Art Major

Bachelor of Fine Arts

We offer a flexible BFA in studio art that begins with the First-Year Foundations Program which develops your 2D, 3D, 4D, and drawing skills. From there, you can choose an area of emphasis from one of our nine studio areas or develop an interdisciplinary studio practice that transcends the boundaries of a single medium.


Art Major

Bachelor of Arts

Our BA in Art is a liberal arts degree that offers two concentrations. The BA in Art with a concentration in Studio Art trains you in the fundamentals of art and is an excellent choice for students who are looking to pair studio art with another major or minor. The BA in Art with a concentration in Art History teaches you to think critically and communicate effectively as you interpret the significance of global art from ancient to contemporary times.

Art Education Major

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science

Undergo a dynamic, comprehensive training program and licensure in teaching art at all levels. As part of this program, you’ll develop your content fluency within an academically rigorous course of study that emphasizes the art disciplines of the studio, criticism, art history, and aesthetics. Learn more.

student teacher works with elementary school art students

Graphic Arts Management Major

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science

Gain a broad, technical understanding of graphic arts through hands-on experience with modern printing processes and equipment. This experiential program will prepare you with the technical and managerial skills needed for your professional career in the dynamic, diverse graphic arts and printing industry. Learn more.

VisCom students work in a computer lab

Graphic Design Major

Bachelor of Fine Arts or Bachelor of Science

Graphic designers are critical thinkers who communicate ideas through type, image, and color. Learn to solve design problems as you prepare for a career in this global creative industry. Learn more.

Learn hands-on using industry software programs like Esko

Visual Arts/Animation Major

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Ball State's Visual Arts/Animation program provides a comprehensive digital animation experience that explores traditional 2D animation, 3D animation, stop-motion, video game design, and illustration.


"Piggy Precious"

Minor in Art History

Our art history minor offers you a chance to improve your critical thinking by analyzing, writing, and speaking about art from a variety of cultures and eras. You will start with introductory courses that cover global traditions and the modern and contemporary world, and select advanced courses on topics that interest you. Recent courses include Art in the United States, Arts of Japan, History of Photography, Prints & Politics, Italian Renaissance Art, Pop Art, and more. Learn more.

Minor in Ceramics, Glass, Jewelry, and Metals

The ceramics, class, jewelry, and metals minor allows students to explore introductory, intermediate, and advanced course work in the media areas of ceramics, glass, and jewelry, and metals. Learn more.

Minor in Digital Publishing 

The digital publishing minor introduces the essential elements of a digital workflow used in the graphic communications industry, including design, photography, color management, and digital printing. Learn more.

Minor in Graphic Arts Technology

The graphic arts technology minor introduces various technologies used in the graphic communications industry including printing and packaging. Students gain hands-on experience on both design and production. Learn more.

Minor in Intermedia, Photography, and Sculpture

The intermedia, photography, and sculpture minor offers students the opportunity to explore a variety of studio practices through a combination of introductory, intermediate, and advanced coursework. Learn more.

Minor in Painting, Drawing and Printmaking

The painting, drawing, and printmaking minor allows students to specialize in one studio area or take a range of courses in painting, drawing, and printmaking. Learn more.

Minor in Studio Art

Our studio art minor gives you a strong foundation in basic art skills. Then, you can establish your own creative focus by selecting classes in your preferred medium. Learn more.