Bikram Sharma
Bikram Sharma
Associate Professor of Biology


Room:FB 318

Dr. Bikram Sharma investigates the molecular processes that control cardiovascular development and regeneration. In addition to conducting this research, he also teaches undergraduate and graduate-level human physiology courses.

Sharma Lab Website


Stanford University, Stanford, CA 
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2013-2018)
Red-Horse Laboratory
Cardiovascular development

Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN
Ph.D. (2009-2012)
Albig Laboratory
Biology (Physiology)

Ball State University, Muncie, IN
M.S. (2007-2009)
Biology (Biotechnology)

Hanover College, Hanover, IN
BA (2007)
Major: Biology
Minor: Chemistry

Research Interests

We are interested in understanding the details of cellular and molecular processes that guide cardiovascular development and regeneration. In particular, we want to characterize the cellular and molecular properties of embryonic progenitor stem cells of cardiovascular system and understand how they influence organogenesis and regeneration. 

Recent Publications

Vitali, H. E., B. Kuschel, C. Sherpa, B. W. Jones, N. Jacob, S. A. Madiha, S. Elliott, E. Dziennik, L. Kreun, C. Conatser, B. P. Bhetwal and B. Sharma (2023). "Hypoxia regulate developmental coronary angiogenesis potentially through VEGFR2- and SOX17-mediated signaling." bioRxiv: 2023.2008.2016.553531. 

A. Madiha, S; Sharma, B (2023). Elabela and Apelin regulate coronary angiogenesis in a competitive manner. microPublication Biology. 10.17912/micropub.biology.000886.

Kakuturu, A; Choi, H; Noe, LG; Scherer, BN; Sharma, B; Khambu, B; Bhetwal, BP (2023). Bitter melon extract suppresses metastatic breast cancer cells (MCF-7 cells) growth possibly by hindering glucose uptake. microPublication Biology. 10.17912/micropub.biology.000961.

Kuschel, B; Sharma, B (2023). APJ expression is lost in isolated embryonic coronary endothelial cell culture in vitro. microPublication Biology. 10.17912/micropub.biology.000847.

Baral, K., G. D’amato, B. Kuschel, F. Bogan, B. W. Jones, C. L. Large, J. D. Whatley, K. Red-Horse and B. Sharma (2023). "APJ+ cells in the SHF contribute to the cells of aorta and pulmonary trunk through APJ signaling." Dev Biol 498: 77-86.

D'Amato, G., R. Phansalkar, J. A. Naftaly, X. Fan, Z. A. Amir, P. E. Rios Coronado, D. O. Cowley, K. E. Quinn, B. Sharma, K. M. Caron, A. Vigilante and K. Red-Horse (2022). "Endocardium-to-coronary artery differentiation during heart development and regeneration involves sequential roles of Bmp2 and Cxcl12/Cxcr4." Dev Cell 57 (22): 2517-2532 e2516.

Ito, M., R. Muramatsu, Y. Kato, B. Sharma, A. Uyeda, S. Tanabe, H. Fujimura, H. Kidoya, N. Takakura, Y. Kawahara, M. Takao, H. Mochizuki, A. Fukamizu and T. Yamashita (2021). "Age-dependent decline in remyelination capacity is mediated by apelin–APJ signaling." Nature Aging (3): 284-294.

Large, C. L., H. E. Vitali, J. D. Whatley, K. Red-Horse and B. Sharma (2020). "In Vitro Model of Coronary Angiogenesis." J Vis Exp(157).

Das, S., A. B. Goldstone, H. Wang, J. Farry, G. D'Amato, M. J. Paulsen, A. Eskandari, C. E. Hironaka, R. Phansalkar, B. Sharma, S. Rhee, E. A. Shamskhou, D. Agalliu, V. de Jesus Perez, Y. J. Woo and K. Red-Horse (2019). "A Unique Collateral Artery Development Program Promotes Neonatal Heart Regeneration." Cell 176 (5): 1128-1142 e1118.

Rhee, S., J. I. Chung, D. A. King, G. D'Amato, D. T. Paik, A. Duan, A. Chang, D. Nagelberg, B. Sharma, Y. Jeong, M. Diehn, J. C. Wu, A. J. Morrison and K. Red-Horse (2018). "Endothelial deletion of Ino80 disrupts coronary angiogenesis and causes congenital heart disease." Nat Commun(1): 368.

Hwangbo, C., J. Wu, I. Papangeli, T. Adachi, B. Sharma, S. Park, L. Zhao, H. Ju, G. W. Go, G. Cui, M. Inayathullah, J. K. Job, J. Rajadas, S. L. Kwei, M. O. Li, A. R. Morrison, T. Quertermous, A. Mani, K. Red-Horse and H. J. Chun (2017). "Endothelial APLNR regulates tissue fatty acid uptake and is essential for apelin's glucose-lowering effects." Sci Transl Med (407).

Sharma, B., A. Chang and K. Red-Horse (2017). "Coronary Artery Development: Progenitor Cells and Differentiation Pathways." Annu Rev Physiol 79: 1-19.

Sharma, B., L. Ho, G. H. Ford, H. I. Chen, A. B. Goldstone, Y. J. Woo, T. Quertermous, B. Reversade and K. Red-Horse (2017). "Alternative Progenitor Cells Compensate to Rebuild the Coronary Vasculature in Elabela- and Apj-Deficient Hearts." Dev Cell 42 (6): 655-666 e653.

LaFoya, B., J. A. Munroe, M. M. Mia, M. A. Detweiler, J. J. Crow, T. Wood, S. Roth, B. Sharma and A. R. Albig (2016). "Notch: A multi-functional integrating system of microenvironmental signals." Dev Biol 418 (2): 227-241.

Papangeli, I., B. Sharma and H. J. Chun (2015). "Letter by Papangeli et al Regarding Article, "The ERG-APLNR Axis Controls Pulmonary Venule Endothelial Proliferation in Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease"." Circulation 132 (2): e16.

Chen, H. I*., B. Sharma*, B. N. Akerberg, H. J. Numi, R. Kivela, P. Saharinen, H. Aghajanian, A. S. McKay, P. E. Bogard, A. H. Chang, A. H. Jacobs, J. A. Epstein, K. Stankunas, K. Alitalo and K. Red-Horse (2014). "The sinus venosus contributes to coronary vasculature through VEGFC-stimulated angiogenesis." Development 141 (23): 4500-4512. *co-first author

Sharma, B. and A. R. Albig (2013). "Matrix Gla protein reinforces angiogenic resolution." Microvasc Res 85: 24-33.

Sharma, B., M. D. Ramus, C. T. Kirkwood, E. E. Sperry, P. H. Chu, W. W. Kao and A. R. Albig (2013). "Lumican exhibits anti-angiogenic activity in a context specific manner." Cancer Microenviron (3): 263-271.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Undergraduate Resear 498 06 0000 - 0000
Research in Biology 697 4 0000 - 0000
Human Physiology 215 2 1800 - 1950 T FB, room 457
Human Physiology 215 2 1400 - 1550 M W FB, room 142
Human Physiology 215 6 0800 - 0950 R FB, room 457
Human Physiology 215 6 1400 - 1550 M W FB, room 142
Human Physiology 215 7 1100 - 1250 T FB, room 457
Human Physiology 215 7 1400 - 1550 M W FB, room 142
Human Physiology 215 8 1800 - 1950 W FB, room 457
Human Physiology 215 8 1400 - 1550 M W FB, room 142
Thesis 698 148 0000 - 0000