Tim Carter
Department Chair of the Dept of Biology, Director of Field Stations and Environmental Education Center, and Professor of Biology
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Ph.D. 2003
University of Georgia, M.S. 1998
University of Georgia, B.S. 1996
Research Interests
My general interests revolve around management of wildlife often focusing on endangered or threatened bat species. I have also been working on the effect of urbanization on White-tailed deer and Canada Goose populations.
Specific research:
My most recent research has been focused on trying to develop treatments for White Nose Syndrome. I have been collaborating with colleagues from Western Michigan University and others to develop a treatment that might tip the balance in favor of the bats during this epic struggle to save our bats.
We are current working on a large scale research project examining the impacts of urban management technics on Canada Geese. This work is primarily being done in and around Indianapolis. But it extends to other locations in Indiana. Using a combination of marking technics, we are looking at the effects of relocation and euthanasia methods have on long term urban population management.
Recent Publications
Shearer, D. J., Carter, T. C., O'Neal, B. J. 2022. Canada geese (Branta canadensis) nesting on elevated structures in urban Indiana, USA. Ecology and Evolution, 12(3). https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8735
Bergeson, S. M., Confortin, K. A., Carter, T. C., Karsk, J. R., Haulton, S., Burnett, H. 2021. Northern long-eared bats roosting in a managed forest in south-central Indiana. Forest Ecology and Management, 483, 118928. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.118928
McDermott, J., Haymes, C., Clevinger, G., Trudeau, J., Leuenberger, W., Carter, T. C., Hast, T., Jenkins, G., Bowling, W., Cox, W. 2020. Safe Use of Butorphanol-Azaperone-Medetomidine to Immobilize Free-Ranging White-tailed Deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 44(2), 281-291.
Caldwell, KL, TC Carter and JC Doll. 2019. A Comparison of Bat Activity in a Managed Central Hardwood Forest. American Midland Naturalist. 181:225-244.
Bergeson, S.M., T.C. Carter, and M.D. Whitby. 2015. Adaptive Roosting Gives Little Brown Bats an Advantage over Endangered Indiana Bats. American Midland Naturalist, 174:321-330.
Pauli, B.P, H.A. Badin, G.S. Haulton, P.A. Zollner, T.C. Carter. 2015. Landscape features associated with the roosting habitat of Indiana bats and northern long-eared bats Landscape Ecology 30: 2015-2029.
Whitby, M.D., T.C. Carter, E.R. Britzke. 2014. Evaluation of mobile acoustic techniques for bat population monitoring. Acta Chiropterlogica. 16(1):223-230.
Bergeson, S.M., T.C. Carter, and M.D. Whitby. 2013. Partitioning of foraging resources between sympatric Indiana and little brown bats. Journal of Mammalogy 94(6):1311-1320.
Poole, AK, BA Novosak, AC Gooley, DM Ing, RD Bluett, TC Carter, GA Feldhamer, GA. 2013. Reintroduction of the Eastern Woodrat (Neotoma floridana) in Southern Illinois. Southeastern Naturalist, 12:1-10.
Whitby, M., S. Bergeson, T. Carter, S. Rutan and R. McClanahan. 2013. The Discovery of a Reproductive Population of Eastern Small-footed bat, Myotis leibii, in Southern Illinois Using a Novel Survey Method. American Midland Naturalist 169: 229-233.
Meretsky, V. J., V. Brack JR, T. C. Carter, R. Clawson, R. R. Currie, T. A. Hemberger, C. J. Herzog, A. C. Hicks, J. A. Kath, J. R. Macgregor, R. A. King, and D. H. Good. 2010. Digital photography improves consistency and accuracy of bat counts in hibernacula. Journal of Wildlife Management, 74:166-173.