Jason True
Jason True
Assistant Teaching Professor of Biology


Room:FB 202


Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
University of Virginia, 2016

M.S. in Biological and Physical Sciences
University of Virginia, 2014

M.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Indiana University, 2012

Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology
Indiana University, 2010

B.S. in Biology
University of Southern Indiana, 2009

Teaching Philosophy

I strongly believe that an educator’s responsibility is to try to reach every student in their class.  Throughout my years as a student, I witnessed exceptional teachers that have accomplished this mission.  They have provided me with examples of how I try to teach.  In my time teaching at Ball State University, I have also had the pleasure of witnessing several colleagues who have exceptional pedagogical skills.  I constantly discuss pedagogy with these colleagues to improve my own pedagogy skills, while continuing to incorporate and share my passion of biology and biochemistry with students.  Every class has a spectrum of students with different goals, capabilities, and level of determination.  The support and encouragement of an educator can positively impact a student’s learning experience.  I make it my goal to learn the name of every one of my students in my classes.  Inclusive classrooms are a must to increase engagement, belonging, and success for students.  I have participated in several trainings to learn more about my diverse students, so that I can foster a better sense of belonging.  Flexibility has become a requirement post-pandemic in education.  I have tried to balance flexibility with structure in all of my classes to help alleviate some stress for students while properly preparing them for upper-level courses.  


Teaching Interests

I am very passionate about teaching introductory biology as it is foundational for students entering the field of biology. I especially enjoy the molecular biology and genetics sections in our class. Being able to teach about the basics of the central dogma of molecular biology brings me joy every semester. I also love talking about my favorite proteins, histones, which DNA wraps around. Histones are also involved in gene regulation through various chemical modifications.

Recent Publications

Fetian T, McShane BM, Horan NL, Shodja DN, True JD, Mosley AL, Arndt KM. Paf1 complex subunit Rtf1 stimulates H2B ubiquitylation by interacting with the highly conserved N-terminal helix of Rad6. PNAS. 2023 May.

Doss EM, Tragesser-Tiña ME, Huang Y, Smaldino PJ, True JD, Kalinski AL, Rubenstein EM.  APC/C Cdh1p and Slx5p/Slx8p ubiquitin ligases confer resistance to aminoglycoside hygromycin B in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. MicroPubl Biol. 2022 Mar.

Khan SH, Perkins AJ, Jawaid S, Wang S, Lindroth H, Schmitt RE, Doles J, True JD, Gao S, Caplan GA, Twigg HL 3rd, Kesler K, Khan BA.  Serum proteomic analysis in esophagectomy patients with postoperative delirium: A case-control study. Heart Lung. 2024 Jan



Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Principles of Biolog 111 06 1400 - 1550 W FB, room 146
Principles of Biolog 111 06 1530 - 1645 T R FB, room 142
Principles of Biolog 111 07 1400 - 1550 F FB, room 146
Principles of Biolog 111 07 1530 - 1645 T R FB, room 142
Principles of Biolog 111 08 1200 - 1350 R FB, room 146
Principles of Biolog 111 08 1530 - 1645 T R FB, room 142
Methods in Cell Biol 315 1 1500 - 1740 M FB, room 352
Methods in Cell Biol 315 2 1200 - 1440 W FB, room 352
Methods in Cell Biol 315 3 1200 - 1440 M FB, room 352