Andrew Gatza
Andrew Gatza
Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences


Room:RB 433



  • Mathematics Education from Indiana University—Bloomington
  • Urban Education Studies from Indiana University—Purdue University, Indianapolis

Dr. Gatza’s primary research interest includes bringing together equity and justice issues with rich mathematical problem sequences to investigate the kinds of reasoning in which students engage in as a result of these problem explorations (i.e., interdisciplinary explorations).

Another research interest is investigating how to support in-service mathematics teachers to establish discourse-rich, justice-oriented classroom spaces with the aim of creating humanizing mathematics education experiences for students. Relatedly, Dr. Gatza aims to develop socially conscious, inclusive-oriented prospective mathematics educators who are able to understand and support students in their mathematical ways of reasoning as well as cultivate positive mathematics identities among students. As part of this work, he engages in a number of local school partnerships.

Dr. Gatza is also the founder and Co-Director of the Young Mathematicians X-Ploration Summer Camp


  • Gatza, A. M. & Hancock, C. (in press). Moving beyond our own experiences to facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse: A coordinated use of the “5 Practices.” In D. Polly, E. Garin, & C. L. Martin (Eds.), Clinically based teacher education in action: Cases from mathematics teacher educators. Information Age Publishing.
  • Hackenberg, A. J., Tillema, E.S. & Gatza, A. M. (2024). Second order models as acts of equity. In P.C. Dawkins, A.J. Hackenberg, & A. Norton (Eds.), Piaget’s genetic epistemology in and for ongoing mathematics education research, pp. 475-509. Springer
  • Tillema, E. S., Gatza, A. M., & Ataide Pinhiero, W. (2024). Combinatorial and quantitative reasoning: Stage 3 high school students’ reason about combinatorics problems and their representation as 3-D arrays. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 73(2024), 101125.
  • Burch, L., Tillema, E.S., & Gatza, A. M. (2021). “Counting” on quantitative reasoning for Algebra. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 114(16), 452-462.
  • Tillema, E.S. & Gatza, A. M. (2017). Helping students explore the Cartesian coordinate system. Indiana Mathematics Teacher, Summer 2017, 8-12.
  • Tillema, E.S., Gatza, A. M., & Ulrich, C. (2017). Playing your cards right: Integers for Algebra. Australian Mathematics Teacher, 73(4), 21-28.
  • Willey, C., Gatza, A. M., & Flessner, C. (2017). Mathematics discourse communities: Language ideologies and urban mathematics teaching with Latinas/os. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 20(1), 34-48.
  • Tillema, E. S. & Gatza, A. M. (2016). A quantitative and combinatorial approach to non-linear meanings of multiplication. For the Learning of Mathematics, 36(2), 26-33.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Teach Mathematics Mi 393 1 1100 - 1245 T R
Action Research Math 696 801 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE