A nursing student works with a patient

The Standardized Patient Suite provides a safe environment for hands-on learning experiences with live patient actors. Students learn clinical skills and develop keen judgement skills in real-world practice scenarios. The lab allows for a variety of healthcare students to have face-to-face interaction and practice with patients in an outpatient or community setting.

The suite contains:

  • 12 exam rooms set up as doctors’ offices with an exam table and various diagnostic equipment
  • five interview/counseling rooms
  • debriefing room
  • changing room
  • lounge
  • standardized patient training room
  • video recording and playback capability for student reflection and debriefing

Three additional flex spaces with retractable dividing walls feed off of this suite with a demonstration exam table and diagnostic equipment for additional space for demonstration and practice.

Faculty and Staff

Director of Nursing Simulation and Information Technology Center (NSITC):

Clinical Lab Specialist:

Information Technology Specialist:

Outreach Specialist:

The School of Nursing is always looking for community individuals to volunteer to work through various scenarios with healthcare students. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Outreach Specialist for more information.