Dr. Dale is an Assistant Professor for the Department of Special Education and teaches classes in autism spectrum disorders for the programs in Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism. Dr. Dale also serves the Muncie and surrounding communities as a licensed psychologist through conducting diagnostic evaluations for children and adolescents with various neurodevelopmental, mood, and anxiety disorders. Prior to teaching for Ball State University, she completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Child Development Center at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis where she gained extensive experience in the assessment and diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders including autism spectrum disorder. Her research interests include cognitive assessment for preschool children, assessment of autism throughout the lifespan, and supporting families with loved ones on the autism spectrum.
PhD in School Psychology
Ball State University
MA in School Psyhcology
Ball State University School
BA in Psychology
Northwestern University
Select Publications
Dale, B.A., Hernández Finch, M. E, McIntosh, D.E., Rothlisberg, B.A., & Finch, W. H. (2014). Utility of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition with ethnically diverse preschoolers. Psychology in the Schools, 51 (6), 581-590.
Trammell, B., Wilczynski, S. M., Dale, B., & McIntosh, D. E. (2013). Assessment and differential diagnosis of comorbid conditions in adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders. Psychology in the Schools, 50 (9), 936-946.
Dale, B.A., McIntosh, D. E., Rothlisberg, B. A., Morgan, K. E., & Hunt, M. (2011). Profile Analysis of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition with African American and Caucasian Preschoolers. Psychology in the Schools, 48 (5), 476-487.