Shannon Dieringer
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Strategic Initiatives
Curriculum Vitae
About Shannon Dieringer
Dr. Dieringer is an Associate Professor of Special Education in Applied Behavior Analysis and the Director of the Masters Program in Applied Behavior Analysis with an Emphasis on Autism. Dr. Dieringer's primary area of research interest is physical activity and motor skill development of children with ASD. She is the recent recipient of the Special Education Research Award and co-conference chair of the Hoosier Association for Behavior Analysis. She has published in The Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, PALAESTRA, The Physical Educator, Psychology in the Schools, and Perspectives in Early Childhood Psychology and Education. She is a graduate of The Ohio State University in Adapted Physical Education, a Certified Adapted Physical Educator, and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst at the Doctoral level
Ph.D. The Ohio State University Adapted Physical Education
MA The Ohio State University Adapted Physical Education
B.S. The Ohio State University Physical Education
Select Publications
Dieringer, S. T., Porretta, D. L., & Sainato, D. (2017). Music and on-task behaviors in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 34(3), 217-234.
Dieringer, S. T., Zoder‐Martell, K., Porretta, D. L., Bricker, A., & Kabazie, J. (2017). Increasing physical activity in children with autism through music, prompting, and modeling.. Psychology in the Schools, 54(4), 421-432.
Dieringer, S. T., Zoder-Martell, K., & Pistor, C. M. (2017). Gross motor needs for children ith autism spectrum disorder to enhance the educational experience. Perspectives in Early Childhood Psychology and Education, 1(2), 53-74.
Dieringer, S. T., & Judge, L. W. (2015). Inclusion in extracurricular sport: A how-to guide for implementation strategies. Physical Educator, 72(1), 87.
Dieringer, S. T., & Porretta, D. L. (2013). Using effective language regarding disability: the role of physical educators and coaches. Physical Educator, 70(2), 187.