Kourtland Koch
Kourtland Koch
Professor of Special Education
Curriculum Vitae


Room:TC 717

About Kourtland Koch

Dr. Koch has been faculty member of this department since 1999 and was promoted to professor in 2016. As Program Director for Early Childhood Special Education, he works with undergraduate students majoring in early childhood and mild disabilities. His research interests include: applying functional MRI to identify key developmental milestones within the brain, federal legislation pertaining to early childhood special education services and using brain based research to design instructional best practices along with collaboration and mentoring of pre-service teachers. He serves as associate editor or co-editor of numerous national and international journals and has published over 20 referreed journal articles. He was awarded the Best Paper Award at the Ireland International Conference on Education, Dublin, Ireland in October 2013. The paper was titled "Examining the relationship of intelligence and perceptual modality using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI): A pilot study."

Dr. Koch has a long history and affiliation as a faculty mentor for students with disabilities.


Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Studies, University of South Florida

Ed.S. School Psychology, The Citadel

M.Ed. Special Education, The Citadel

B.S. Education, The Citadel


 South Carolina Teaching Certificate (6-30-19) (Credential # 131480); Social Studies, Learning Disabilities, Reading.


Refereed Journals

Koch, K. R. & Moore, B. (2015). Relating neurodevelopment to early intervention special education: Implications for developing best practices. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education. 7(1), 51-68.

Koch, K. R., Ozdemir, O., & Akkose, M. (2014). Enhancing early intervention services for children with special needs in the middle east: A Turkish initiative. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 6(1), 143-150.

Peiffer, A. M., Laurienti, P. J., Koch, K. R., & Timmerman, L. (2014). Merging the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale picture completion subtest with fMRI in adult learners: a pilot study. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 3(11), 122-126.

Hadadian, A., & Koch, K. R. (2013). Issues in labeling young children with developmental delay: Whose responsibility is it? International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 5(2), 187-199.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Doctoral Exam Prepar 700 KK 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE
Classroom Management 266 1 0830 - 1230 T R TBD, room TBD
Classroom Management 266 1 1500 - 1630 M TC, room 223
Classroom Management 266 2 1115 - 1515 T R TBD, room TBD
Classroom Management 266 2 1500 - 1630 M TC, room 223
Classroom Management 266 3 1500 - 1630 M TC, room 223
Classroom Management 266 3 0830 - 1115 M W F TBD, room TBD
Classroom Management 266 4 1500 - 1630 M TC, room 223
Classroom Management 266 4 1200 - 1445 M W F TBD, room TBD
Hum Rltn, Collab, & 277 1 1530 - 1645 T R TC, room 225
Tch Studs and Dis in 302 800 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE