Evette Simmons-Reed
Evette Simmons-Reed
Assistant Professor of Applied Behavior Analysis
Curriculum Vitae


Room:TC 731

About Evette Simmons-Reed

Assistant Professor in the Applied Behavior Analysis program and is the program manager for the Postsecondary Graduate Certificate Program. She was a special education teacher in Columbus City Schools and at the Ohio State School for the Blind. Prior to joining the faculty at BSU, she was the Program Manager in the Special Education and Transition Department at The Ohio State University Nisonger Center. She obtained her Ph.D. in special education and applied behavior analysis from The Ohio State University. Her research and expertise focus on developing and implementing evidence-based self-determination interventions to increase the employment and educational outcomes of transitioning students with disabilities, in particular, those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Her specific research projects involve improving the diversity and inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education settings including: developing online interactive career curricula, the implementation of the Self-determined Learning Model of Instruction to teach academic and social behaviors to college students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, the utilization of universal and assistive technology to facilitate the independence of college students with intellectual disabilities and autism, identification of the services and supports needed by college students with autism, and the development of supports that leverage existing campus resources to improve student access, persistence in, and graduation from college. In addition, she is also interested in culturally competent instructional and clinical practices for culturally and linguistically diverse students. In 2017, she chaired the committee for the Conference on Postsecondary Options and Supports for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders at BSU. Evette currently serves on the executive board for the Council for Exceptional Children's (CEC) Division for Culturally and Linguistically Exceptional Learners and is on the editorial board for the journal Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners.


Ph.D.: The Ohio State University
Special Education and Applied Behavior Analysis

M.A. The Ohio State University
Special Education and Applied Behavior Analysis

B.S. The Ohio State University
Special Education and Applied Behavior Analysis


Cullen, J., Simmons-Reed, E., & Weaver, L. (2017). Using 21st century video prompting technology to facilitate the independence of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Psychology in the Schools. (acceptance rate=20%, impact factor=1.19; Ranking in psychology educational=38/58))'

Cullen, J. M., Alber-Morgan, S. R., Simmons-Reed, E. A., & Izzo, M. V. (2017). Effects of self-directed video prompting using iPads on the vocational task completion of young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 46, 361-375. (acceptance rate=unknown, impact factor=.87, Ranking in occupational therapy journals=7/15)

Simmons-Reed, E., Cartledge, G., (2014). School discipline disproportionality: Culturally competent interventions for African American males. Interdisciplinary Journal of Teaching and Learning, 4, 95-109.

Simmons-Reed, E., Cullen, J., Day, K., & Izzo, M., (2013). Voices of self-determined youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities in postsecondary settings, Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion University of Massachusetts Boston, 6, 2-4

Cartledge, G., Kea, C., & Simmons-Reed, E. (2002). Serving culturally diverse children with serious emotional disturbance and their families. Journal of Child and family Studies, 11, 113-126

Cartledge, G., Tam, B., Loe, S., Miranda, A.H., Lambert, M.C., Kea, C.D., & Simmons-Reed, E. (2002). Culturally and linguistically diverse students with behavioral disorders, Fourth CCBD Mini-Library Series, Arlington, VA: The Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders, 11, 113-126

Izzo, M.V., Hertzfeld, J.E., Simmons-Reed, E., & Aaron, J.H. (2001) Promising practices: Improving the quality of higher education for students with disabilities. Disability Services Quarterly, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Disability Studies Center, 21, 1-13

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Verbal Behavior 689 808 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE
Verbal Behavior 689 809 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE
Verbal Behavior 689 810 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE