Penny Craig
Penny Craig
Associate Teaching Professor of Special Education
Curriculum Vitae


Room:TC 611 Office TC 612 Lab

About Penny Craig

Penny Craig has more than seventeen years of teaching experience in higher education and nine years in a K12 classroom. Her research interests include ethnography, phenomenology, and education, assistive, and adaptive technology.

Professional Experience

Penny spent nine years in the K12 classroom before returning to Ball State to work on her doctorate, which she completed in 2010. She has 17 years of college-level teaching experience.


 Ph.D. Ball State University Educational Studies

M.A. Ball State University Secondary Education

B. S. Pensacola Christian College English and History Education


Craig, P. (April, 2016). Behind their mother's skirts: Feminism in the Little House books. Paper presented at International Society for Educational Biography Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Craig, P. (April, 2017). Chair, New Technologies and Educational Biography Roundtable. International Society for Educational Biography Annual Conference. Toronto, Ontario, CN.

Craig, P. (April, 2017). Gorgeous guys of the Wilder days: The role of men in the Little House on the Prairie series. A paper presented at International Society for Educational Biography Annual Conference. Toronto, Ontario, CN.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Exc Children Adults 200 801 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE
Intro Stdnts with Ex 201 2 1100 - 1215 T R TC, room 228
Intro Stdnts with Ex 201 3 1230 - 1345 T R TC, room 227
Exp and Dev Topics 299X 1 1700 - 1750 W TC, room 612
Tech in Education 331 1 1830 - 2110 W TC, room 612
Intro Dis Svcs Hi Ed 601 800 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE